Zodiac Jewellery
Aquarius – the Water Bearer
The eleventh sign of the zodiac Aquarius is a mental sign. People born under this sign are quite clever, oftenAdd to cart -
Aries – the Ram
The first sign of the zodiac Aries is a fire sign. People born when the Sun is in this constellationAdd to cart -
Cancer – the Crab
The fourth sign of the zodiac Cancer is a water sign. People with strong lunar energy are a home-loving soulsAdd to cart -
Capricorn – the Goat
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, an earth sign. The folk are structured and practical who set goalsAdd to cart -
Gemini – the Twins
The third sign of the zodiac is Gemini a very mental sign. These people are forever young, busy networking, pickingAdd to cart -
Leo – the Lion
The fifth sign of the zodiac is Leo the second fire sign. Leonine people are open-hearted, generous and creative withAdd to cart -
Libra – the Scales
The seventh sign of the zodiac is the air sign Libra. They are balanced people creating beauty with style, excellingAdd to cart -
Pisces – the Fish
The last sign of the zodiac Pisces is a water sign. People who are born when the Sun is inAdd to cart -
Sagittarius – the Archer
The ninth sign of the zodiac Sagittarius is a fire sign. Those people born under this sign are wise honestAdd to cart -
Scorpio – the Scorpion
The eighth sign of the zodiac Scorpio is a water sign. Those born under this sign are powerfully emotive, focusedAdd to cart -
Taurus – the Bull
The second sign of the zodiac Taurus is an earth sign maintaining and stabilising what Aries has started. The bullAdd to cart -
Virgo – the Virgin
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and an earth sign. Those borth when the Sun was in thisAdd to cart